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Technical parameters Remarks
Remarks Manual
Mounting Type Portable
Material of spike Heavy-duty steel
Material of base Heavy-duty steel
Surface finish Galvanised Coating
System length 3 – 6 mtr (Longer custom length available)
Spike height above ground 65 – 70 mm
Load capacity 35 – 40 Tons


HOM caltrops are designed with detachable ports and suitable hold belts. They can be used to manually block any passage instantaneously. The spikes have a sharp tip, efficient enough to deflate the tyre of any vehicle that drives over them. Main features are: The compact size – on folding, makes the portability easier and can be conveniently carried by a single person from one point to another. Can be laid at any location to limit the vehicular passage. Manual operation makes it simplistic to use. Deflates the tyres of intruding vehicles efficiently. Mainly used by defence forces at all types of locations.
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